Are you ready to become a leader at your workplace? Click here for a beginner’s guide to learning to lead that will help you get started.
Are you aware that 65% of workers are looking elsewhere for job opportunities? If you’re in a position where you can help retain your best employees, there’s never been a more urgent time than now to step up your game. And if you’re an employee hoping to distinguish yourself from the pack at your workplace, now is the time to make a higher level of impact.
Ready to start positioning yourself as a leader in the workplace? Read this beginner’s guide to learning to lead so you can find out how to be a better leader!
Be Transparent and Communicative
A big part of leadership development is learning to be a better communicator. In your workplace, you may interact with everyone from entry-level employees to board members. You’ll need the soft skills to communicate persuasively and openly.
Communicate on a larger scale first. This can translate to sending out monthly memos to all employees on areas of progress as well as setbacks. It should also include holding both formal and informal gatherings to cast your vision for what’s ahead.
Outline your action plan when you miss a revenue goal. Show a step-by-step plan that lets your employees know you are on top of the situation. In other words, demonstrate leadership through openness.
Communicate on a smaller scale, too. Meet with managers regularly to ensure that they understand their priorities. Use the time to get to know them as people, as well.
And create opportunities to meet with employees a few levels below you. You can host a holiday party or picnic and invite employees’ family members. Or you can take a more impromptu approach and make occasional visits to chat with teams.
Become Better at Delegating
One of the critical leadership techniques you’ll need to master is the art of delegating. To do this, you’ll need to trust that your team members can do their jobs well.
It might feel risky to hand off a big task to someone else. After all, you don’t become a prominent figure by working less. But when you delegate, you’ll show trust — and your employee will value this.
They’ll also value the opportunity to bring their perspective to the solution. For employees pondering new job opportunities elsewhere, gaining some autonomy might be enough to help them stay put. Since you want to retain your best employees, embolden and motivate them with a chance to take the lead.
As another bonus, you’ll lower your workload by delegating projects. Figure out situations where you can hand off smaller projects to others in your office. This will free up more time for you to focus on strategizing and communication.
Mentor Your Team Members
As a leader, part of your priority needs to be developing leaders in the team members around you. If you run an organization, focus on ongoing mentorship with existing employees. At the same time, assign a mentor to new employees during their onboarding process.
An internal mentorship program is a great way to build positive connections among all employees. Just be sure to assign a new employee a mentor from a different area so there isn’t a sense of hierarchy. And, of course, make sure the mentor is willing and eager to participate!
Encourage monthly coffee meetups between mentors and mentees. Offer professional development opportunities, such as conferences and workshops, to current employees. Focus on making growth and education a key part of your organization.
Focus on Offering Regular Constructive Feedback
One’s career development can be tied to the feedback received along the way. An employee whose manager provides regular constructive feedback, for instance, will know what their strengths are and how they can nourish them. They’ll also know where they could stand to improve.
As a leader, you are in a position to motivate your employees through constructive feedback. This means you should be open about problems, such as time management or communication issues. But you should frame those problems in such a way that your employee knows improvement is possible.
Focus on equipping your employees with regular feedback through monthly meetings. Lighten the experience by offering a free lunch or another perk. And always let your employees know what they are doing well!
Value Diverse Perspectives
To value diverse perspectives, you need to have diverse perspectives. And that means committing to hiring and including members from different backgrounds and walks of life.
Aim to create teams of employees that represent different genders, ages, and experience levels. Mix up team members, too, so you don’t also revert to the same groups. While you’re at it, ask your manager to take notes on each team member’s strengths so you can leverage them more effectively in future projects.
Create opportunities for all team members to give input on a project’s direction. And give them opportunities to propose new ideas if they have concerns about a project. You can cultivate a better exchange of ideas and help your employees stay engaged.
Host meetings with managers, informal lunch gatherings, or other feedback sessions. When everyone can feel like they have a voice, they might be more inclined to stay with your organization.
Start Learning to Lead
Learning to lead means taking the time to build trust through open and honest communication. You’ll need to exert some authority at times by delegating tasks or offering feedback. But you’ll also need to be receptive to input and willing to be hands-on as a leader.
When you’re ready to make leadership development fun, contact us so we can help!